Contoh Soal Ilmu Pengetahuan (Knowledge) Kelas 1 Semester 1 - English Version

Hai.. Pada kesempatan kali ini, saya ingin share contoh soal untuk ilmu pengetahuan / knowledge berdasarkan kurikulum yang digunakan di sekolah kakak Q. Sehubungan dengan sekolah kakak Q bilingual, maka untuk soal nya dalam bahasa Inggris. Berikut contoh soalnya. Semoga membantu

1.       How many fingers do we have?

a.       5

b.       10

c.       9

2.       What is the function of ears?

a.       Eat food

b.       listen to the music

c.       dance

3.       from this list what is the characteristic of non living things

a.       it can grow

b.       it can move by itself

c.       does not need food, water and air

4.       when we want to chew food , what does we use?

a.       Tongue

b.       Teeth

c.       Nose

5.       What food that contain protein?

a.       Meat

b.       rice

c.       chocolate

8.       Which are the correct flow for digestive system

a.       Esophagus – mounth- tummy – small intestine – big intestine – anus

b.       Mouth – esophagus – stomach/ tummy – small intestine – big intestine – anus

c.       Mouth – esophagus – stomach / tummy – big intestine – small intestine - anus

9.       Getting a reward is a

a.       Happy moment

b.       Unhappy moment

c.       Sad moment

10.   Losing book is a / an_____

a.       Happy moment

b.       Unhappy moment

c.       Regular moment

11.   We use tongue to:

a.       Feeling

b.       Tasting

c.       chewing

12.   what will happen if we read in the dark:

a.       our eyes will hurt

b.       our head will hurt

c.       our teeth will hurt

14.   write the 2 characteristic of living things

15.   what are the example of living things?

16.   What are the example of non living things?

17.   What organs that have role to circulate oxygen through our body using blood?

18.   What is the function of lungs?

19.   How many lungs do human have?

20.   Write down the function of brain.

21.   Mention five sense of human

22.   What is the bone that protect lung?

23.   Where the brain is located?

24.   Where the lungs is located?

25.   What is the function of hair?

26.   What is the function of mouth?

27.   Rice contains of ……..

28.   Mention 2 type of vitamin

29.   Vitamin are contained in  _______ and _______

30.    Mention 2 type of mineral ______ and _______


  1. Hallo Ka, saya mau tanya sekolah billingual dmn ya apakah dwi matra?saya sedang cari sekolah untuk anak saya masuk SD.

    1. Halo.. maaf baru respon karena semester lalu sedang agak sibuk. Iya benar ini di SDI Dwimatra Ka..
